Yahoo Optimization Help: All websites needs to be optimized for Google, BING, Yahoo and all popular search engines. For Yahoo optimization , we need to focus on Onpage Optimization, because Yahoo give more importance on page activity. Following are few optimization tips which helps your yahoo serps.
Tips for Yahoo Optimization:
- Optimize the title of your website.Your title shoud not exceed than 60 characters.
- Important: Please add same text in meta title tag.
- e.g. <meta name=”title” content=”YOUR TITLE”>
Your keywords content should not exceed than 150 characters.
Your meta description should not exceed than180 characters, description should contain all main keywords and well written and quite descriptive.
Manage your main keywords in your text try to repeat your main keywords in all heading tags.
Do link your internal webpage, but all linked pages should on same topic and link word should be managed as keyword on linked page.
Use yahoo webmaster tools for sitemap submission.
Track your serps and keep optimizing your text with high searched volume keywords.