Google Optimization & Link Building: Google optimization is one of the most popular and high practice activity in current time, Web business required more and more traffic from organic ways, and google is the one main source of organic web traffic from Google search. Google optimization needs to more consistent and regular on page and offpage optimization to get and stay on top positions.
Link building is one of the most essential element of offpage optimization, normally webmasters thought regular directory submissions could build a concrete wall of backlinks, Unfortunatlly this is a misconception about link building. It’s true that regular directory submissions are important to increase the visibility of your website with selected keywords but these submissions are not enough, as a webmaster you have to get high quality theme oriented keyword based links to get good and stable search engine rankings.
What are high quality Links?
High quality links are those links who’s primary domain have good Google Page Rank value with good search engine rankings and their links pages have less than 10 out going links and outgoing links are without “nofollow” tag and domain age should more than 1 year.
What are theme oriented Links?
Theme oriented links are links which matches with your website niche or closely related to your website theme.
How to get high quality theme oriented backlinks?
there are several ways to get theme oriented backlinks but i prefer use Google to find good theme oriented links.Its like a trade business (give and take) also known as reciprocal link exchange.
Please follow the following instructions:
- If theme is “iphone applications“.
- Search iphone applications in goole and select the websites which you want to exchange links.
- Get email of selected webmasters from contact us or submit the form to open a link exchange request.
- Compose a link exchange proposal for webmasters.
- Send this proposal to webmaster, make sure that you must not send all requests at a time. Send link exchange proposal one by one to each webmaster.
- Interested webmasters will reply that email to complete link exchange.